Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pastor or Preacher?

    I came across this article by Marlin Dollar, saw the great truth within, and thought it would be appropriate to share. We are, beyond a shadow of doubt, living in perilous times, particularly where our SOULS are concerned! Enjoy!


Marlin Dollar

I know a lot of Preachers who are very good in their teaching and preaching. I mean when you sit and listen to their messages, you learn things and it helps you draw closer to God because they lead you in Scripture to a closer walk in the Spirit with God. ----BUT---- just because a Preacher knows how to preach and teach and bless your heart in the word, that does not automatically mean he will make a good Pastor. A good Pastor (Shepherd) will be able to lead the WHOLE FLOCK and not just the ones who cater to his wants and needs. A good Pastor (Shepherd) sometimes will have to leave the ninety and nine and go after that sheep who has lost his way and maybe got caught in the thorns and brush of Satan. A good Pastor will be able to manage the flock, feed the flock and lead them to rest beside the still waters. A good Pastor will go after that sheep who has fallen by the wayside and when he finds him he will put him on his shoulder and carry him back to the fold. At the same time he will nourish the weak until they are able to once again be active among the flock and won't wander off as easily as before. A good Pastor when he is tired will rest with one eye opened in order the watch over the flock while they sleep and fight the wolves when they come to destroy and kill. Preachers and Evangelists will come for a few messages and will bless the congregation and encourage them but when he leaves it is the Shepherd's (Pastor's) job to hold the flock together and see that they are fed, watered and cared for as God's word teaches. I love Preachers and I love Pastor's. There is a big difference between the two. I hope your Pastor is really a Pastor and not just a Preacher. I hope you Preachers are really a Preacher and not trying to be a Pastor.

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